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Here’s What You Need To Know To Beat Your Irritable Bowel Issues and IBD! – with Dr. Michael Haley


Do you feel lost trying to beat irritable bowel issues like IBD, IBS, constipation, and the like? Knowing where to start might seem impossible, but like so many other aspects of our health, bowel issues begin in the gut, and understanding this is your first step toward overcoming them.

Today we are talking about inflammatory bowel disease, what could be making it worse, how to better feed your microbiome, how to do a very strict elimination diet, the ways a diet log can help, and more with Dr. Michael Haley!


We answer these questions:

– What got Dr. Haley into treating IBD and Inflammatory Bowel?

– What are the early signs and symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel, IBD and similar conditions?

– What treatments does Dr. Haley use for bowel issues?

– How can a diet log help you identify food sensitivities?

– Why do we need to deprogram what we think about food and nutrition?

– And more!


Still want to learn more? Schedule with Dr. Barter today!



IBS Support Probiotic Capsules: https://drannmariebarter.com/product/ibs-support-probiotic-capsules/ 

Constipation Support: https://drannmariebarter.com/product/constipation-support/ 

Binding Fiber Support Capsules: https://drannmariebarter.com/product/binding-fiber-support-capsules/ 



About Dr. Michael Haley:

Dr. Michael Haley graduated from the University of Tampa and went on to Life College of Chiropractic where he earned his Doctorate in 1995. Today, he is a passionate bone moving chiropractor and health coach. As a certified GAPS practitioner, he emphasizes a healthy lifestyle and a clean nutrient dense diet as a means to achieve optimal physical, mental, and emotional well-being. His health principles are based on science, tradition, and in line with the scriptures.

He is also considered an expert in phytonutrition and superfoods and the leading authority on Aloe vera.

As a speaker, Dr. Haley’s teachings are cutting edge, high energy, fast moving, and inspiring toward taking your health to the next level of excellence. He teaches whole food nutrition, food preparation, and super food supplementation. He is a dynamic and entertaining speaker that brings jaw dropping demonstrations to every presentation. 

Dr. Haley currently owns and operates Haley Nutrition. His products are shipped all over the world. He also continues to see patients at his private practice Agape Chiropractic in Pompano Beach.

His Website: https://haleynutrition.com 

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Dr. Ann-Marie Barter is a Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Doctor at Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic. She is the clinic founder of Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic that has two offices: one in Longmont and one in Denver. They treat an array of health conditions overlooked or under-treated by conventional medicine, called the “grey zone”. https://altfammed.com/




Dr Michael Haley [00:00:00] We put preservatives in food. People say, well, that’s to make it last longer. No, those are antibiotics to keep things from growing in the food. And when you put these things inside you, do they know to stop killing? We’re putting chemicals that are to prevent microbiology from growing in our it’s in our food and we’re eating it, putting it in this microbiome. So I would say the number one thing that’s probably affecting our guts throwing this off is chemicals.

Intro [00:00:31] Are you struggling with bloating, gas, constipation and fatigue, but don’t know what’s causing these problems? The Gut Health Reset Podcast with Dr. Ann-Marie Barter dives deep into the root causes behind these issues that start in the gut. This podcast will give you the knowledge you need to heal your gut and reset your health.

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:00:53] Thank you so much for joining us here today on the Gut Health Reset Podcast. Today we are talking about inflammatory bowel disease, what could be making it worse that you could be doing every day in just your general lifestyle and how to avoid some of those triggers that could be contributing to inflammatory bowel disease? How to better feed your microbiota. How to do a very strict elimination diet, starting with one food only. If you’re having very terrible bowel issues and you can’t even figure out with limited foods what could be contributing to it and how to have an overall better healthy lifestyle. Thank you so much for joining us here today on the Gut Health Reset Podcast were just so grateful for your support and you guys join in this week in and week out. So today my special guest is Dr. Haley. He is a passionate, bone moving chiropractor and a health coach. As a certified gapps practitioner, he emphasizes a healthy lifestyle and a clean, nutrient dense diet and a means to optimal physical, mental and emotional well-being. His health principles are based on science, tradition and in line with the scriptures. Dr. Haley is considered an expert in fighting nutrition and superfoods and a leading expert on aloe vera. He is currently owns and operates Halo Nutrition. Its products are shipped all over the world. He also continues to see patients at his private practice, Agape Chiropractic and Parlamento Beach. Hey, Dr. Haley, it’s super good to have you on the podcast. I’m super excited to dove in today to everything got related. I think this is going to be a fun conversation.

Dr Michael Haley [00:02:45] Thank you, Dr. Barter. Thank you so much for having me.

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:02:47] Yeah, totally OK. So. What got you interested in, you know, dealing with IBD conditions?

Dr Michael Haley [00:02:58] You know, it’s funny, I have this unique product and it was brought to me when I was practicing chiropractic. This Rodney Stockton guy that would come in for his adjustments would bring these bottles of aloe vera and say, you got to put all your patients on this. And for a while, I thought he was kind of crazy and, you know, he would say it cures cancer. You know, this was in the days he’s been saying that since the 50s. And, you know, he’s long gone now. He’d be 110 if he was still alive. But. There was no one really enforcing these things. You know, when he’s been saying it throughout all the years, but I actually had a cancer patient in stage four pancreatic cancer patient that I had put on the aloe and we got amazing results and we changed her diet and everything else. And after getting a lot of success, she actually started combining it with a medical approach. But 11 years later, from stage four pancreatic cancer, she’s still here. Cancer free. Oh, wow. When Rodney had passed, this product was it was going away. The people that were running the company weren’t going to keep it going. It was just it was too much bad stuff happening. So I actually rescued the product and I said, Man, most people are drinking this for their irritable bowel conditions. Let me talk more about that then cancer. I’m going to shut up about cancer because I don’t want to get shut down. And it’s generally accepted that this helps people get well with their inflammatory bowel conditions. And that started me in a path that just blew me away. The more I dug into this and realized, Wow, you know, we are doing things so wrong when it comes to taking care of nurturing our guts. Most people in the business don’t even understand what’s really happening inside us, and it just blew me away. I was teaching organic chemistry in college. My mind works a little differently, and as I started studying and understanding what was really happening, it just let me up. And you know, the rest is history. We keep on cruising through, helping people get well from all kinds of problems, not just irritable bowel. Yes, we do help people that are fighting cancers, but literally everything.

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:05:22] OK, so let’s dig in to first off, you kind of lumped in IBD and inflammatory bowel. So when we say these conditions, what are we talking about? Would you like to? Would you like to name them off on what you’ve seen improvements with?

Dr Michael Haley [00:05:39] Yeah, let’s let’s group them all together, really, because some of the early signs and symptoms of some kind of inflammatory bowel condition might be acid reflux. And if it gets bad, we might call it GERD and, you know, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and we kind of give these things names based on where they are. Acid reflux is kind of up here. And Crohn’s is kind of down there, you know, but they’re really kind of the same. We might call it celiac if we think there’s some kind of auto immune response, which is kind of crazy because there’s a lot of autoimmune happening in all of them. But with celiac, we might think, well, these are more specific allergies to things like dairy and gluten. But if you have inflammatory bowel conditions, there’s a good chance you have a sensitivity to one or the other or both. So, you know, whether it’s a dysphagia or gastritis or, you know, there’s probably a hundred different names, and we could also lump in their skin conditions because people that have skin conditions, that’s probably there’s a good chance, whether it’s a psoriasis and eczema. Again, we have a gazillion names for inflammatory skin conditions. It’s probably a realization of what’s happening inside your bowels. It’s an inflammatory bowel condition that sometimes shows up in the skin, too. And why wouldn’t it? Because the skin is kind of an absorbing digestive organ, too. You know, we doctors will give you medications through the skin, your skin eats and drinks that the liquid that’s on the patches and and the things that we put on our skin. And it also excrete just like the bowels they absorb, they excrete. So I would lump them all together and say, OK, regardless of what your diagnosis or some doctor told you, it was somewhere between this opening and the other opening. This this worm inside your body that essentially connects this opening with the other one that food goes into and comes out the other end just like a earthworm. You know, we can pretty much look at them all very similar as a very similar cause and a very similar path to getting well.

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:08:02] So you’ve seen a lot of things help. So what do you notice seen what resolves with these inflammatory conditions? Well.

Dr Michael Haley [00:08:16] Everybody is different. So it’s not a one condition, one cure, but we might use a similar. Path to identify the things that would help us improve from this. I’ll give you a perfect example you’re a chiropractor. You’re well aware of the fact that constipation might be diet related, but it may also be neurological related. You know, I think of a patient of mine. Twenty five years ago, I knew in practice and good old Charlie comes in and I took an X-ray and I saw this crooked bone on his X-ray, and I got all excited because I’m brand new and I’m going to shove that thing into place and one I’m going to fix. And today, you know, you had back pain going down his leg and he had neck pain going down his arm. But that back pain and you know, how long have you been having that? Well, on and off for about 10 years, but now it’s really bad. It’s radiating down his leg, and I remember putting him on his side and getting on that bone just right and doing that side posture move. And I tell you, it sounded like sitting on a bag of Doritos. I mean, just all kinds of noise and his eyes, just big like donuts like, you know, almost like, what did you do? And I thought, Hmm, maybe I didn’t explain what was going to happen to him, but you know, I did what any good chiropractor would do. That’s exactly what I expected. I want to see you again tomorrow. And I remember when he came back the next day, he said, Dr. Haley, something you did. And I said, OK, well, you know, I may have been a little sudden. What? Tell me more? Well, something you did. And he kind of leaned in and the first thing he said is, I can have sex again. And I looked at his chart that where the check boxes are, where all the symptoms that people would check off that they’re experiencing. You didn’t indicate you had a problem in this area. Well, I didn’t think it could possibly have anything to do with my back pain. How long have you been having that problem? He said. 10. Ten years. But he continued, he said, but something you did. I said, Okay. What was that? Look on your face? He said, Well, I’ve also had constipation. I said, For how long? He said, 10 years. I said that. Look on your face. He said I had to go to the bathroom. So for him, it was an instant change, and he instantly said, Oh, I’m in trouble. I wonder if I’m going to make it home. So when it comes to bail conditions, in his case, it’s constipation. Was neurological, he had stress and tension that finally 10 years later got so bad that it was radiating into his leg. And it started when he was raking up a pile of leaves or whatever he was doing on the job that day, mowing lawns. That was easy in the lawn service business. Finally showed up in the form of pain. Bad enough to get care if he had come into our offices, we could have been trying to figure out what’s wrong with your diet. Are you getting enough fiber? You drink enough water, do you have enough that to lubricate the bowels? Are you taking your probiotics or eating fermented foods or? And we could be trying to figure out, what are you chewing your food, right? Are you taking digestive enzymes? And we can go through this laundry list of things that we might counsel someone on with a bowel problem, but it’s neurological. So everyone’s different. We have to really figure out what’s going on with that person if we’re coaching them with foods and say, You know, you have sensitivities, OK, what’s what’s a good food? I don’t know. What’s good for me might not be good for Dr. Gardere. Dr. Barter might have a sensitivity to dairy. I might do very well on dairy. I don’t do so well on potatoes. But that could be a super nutritious energy food for someone fighting cancer. So we have to figure out what it is, what works for you. What do you have sensitivities to and start changing the diet accordingly so people are eating foods that work for them?

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:12:25] So with IBD, you think maybe some of the cases could be food sensitivities and neurological, just like in the story that you told, maybe not enough fiber, maybe not enough fat to lubricate the bowels, correct? And maybe not enough probiotics are fermented foods, so you believe kind of those are the root causes there of inflammatory bowel. Do you think there’s anything else that’s con. There’s

Dr Michael Haley [00:12:52] definitely more than that, but those are some of the things we might go through to try to help someone get better when it comes to food selections. You know, it’s funny because we think of this microbiome, this delicate microflora that is everywhere, you know, between, especially between the mouth and the anus. You know, in that tube, in that digestive tract, it’s estimated that we are essentially a shell for our microbiome and that if we had counted up our total number of cells, 80 percent of our total cells within this shell are actually microbiome. So we’re essentially a place for them to live and exist now. Anything that could disrupt their colonies, those cultures. And throw them into a less healthy balance, it’s kind of like people, you know, we get there’s good people and there’s bad people and you know, there’s there’s places where there’s worse riots and stuff and that’s that’s not good. Whereas there’s peaceful, you know, congregations and things that aren’t that good things are happening. Chemistry can get a little bit out of whack in certain populations that can have negative effects inside us. So chemistry made by the microbiome. So we want to keep that gut healthy and keep the good colonies well nourished and support them. Now what might interrupt that colony? The most I know is a chiropractor. You’re going to think, you know, well, anything that’s against life. Right. We might refer to that as an antibiotic, we might call it an antibiotic. And a lot of us don’t take antibody biotics intentionally. But what if you’re eating conventional animal foods that are fed antibiotics as part of their diet? What else is an antibiotic? What if you’re eating foods with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, these are A. Life against life. There are forms of antibiotics. What if your drink and city tap water with chlorine in it? Chlorine is an antibiotic in water to keep things from growing in it. What if it’s so simple as eating a processed food? We put preservatives in food. People say, Well, that’s to make it last longer. No, those are antibiotics to keep things from growing in the food. And when you put these things inside you, do they know to stop killing? We’re putting chemicals that are to prevent microbiology from growing in our it’s in our food and we’re eating it, putting it in this microbiome. So I would say the number one thing that’s probably affecting our guts throwing this off is chemicals now. Let’s look at what’s in our intestines from a different point of view, and I think this is fascinating. And let’s take it outside the body first, let’s think about what makes the dirt healthy for the vegetables, the trees, the plants that we grow, that we’re going to eat. Where do they where does that get its nutrients from? And if we have bad dirt, the farmers add nutrients, they spray them with fertilizers. But that’s not the way it’s supposed to happen. You see. Dirt is continuously recycled by lifeforms. And it might be bacteria and mold and fungus and protozoa that eat smaller bacteria and things and worms might eat that and and birds might eat the worms and alligators might eat the birds that ate the worms. You know, everything is eating smaller stuff than itself and whooping it out from the bacteria up to the larger animals that roam the land. Sometimes we buy manure. To make our gardens grow better because it’s a rich soil, it’s what makes dirt. Into rich soil. Whether it’s worm castings or horse manure, you know, and it gets all mixed in the dirt, turning it into this wet, spongy full of life that’s continuously turning over the old stuff and making it new again. And then the roots of these plants tap into that big roots, with smaller roots branching off with smaller roots and hairs branching off those absorbing the nutrients from what was excreted from all of the life that is in the rich soil. Now, if it’s dead soil, it’s enduring, absorbing the nutrients that was sprayed on it, that the fertilizers. But hopefully we’re eating food that was grown and real, naturally rich soil. It’s the same way in our bodies are this this body is a shell with a microbiome in it. I’m, you know, I’m hosting all of this life force when I eat food. It’s doing the digesting, I can’t even digest, you know, for the most part, we can put it in an acidic environment in the stomach, which will help break down meat, dairy, eggs and fish isn’t really going to break down vegetables. I can break down vegetables and fruits in my mouth by chewing it and break it down. But what we’re doing in these environments is preparing it for the microbiome to consume. So now, once it’s broken down by chewing it, it really good and going through that acidic environment in the stomach, it moves down into the small intestines and eventually the large intestines. And then what’s left over is finally eliminated in that process. They are consuming the nutrients, breaking it down, excreting this bio sludge that just like the roots of the trees and the roots of the plants and the vegetables, the roots of the vegetation, our intestines are sinking into their excretions, absorbing the nutrients that they produce for us that are going to circulate their body and give us the nutrition we need. If we disrupt that. If we do anything to disrupt that, we’re changing there, we’re decreasing their ability to give us the nutrition that we need if we kill them off, you know? OK, well, I guess we better start consuming some fertilizers for human, you know, and put something in there that the body can use. But if we think of our food as nourishing them as preparing, we’re preparing something for them. Well, when it enters in here, hopefully it’s going to be chemical free. Hopefully, when it enters our mouth, we’re going to chew it up really good. And and, you know, hopefully it gets in there and it’s something they can use. And what are the roots of our body? Well, it goes through these intestines that have these folds in them that increase the surface area, and they have these big villi, which are like the primary roots in these microvilli perpendicular to the villi that are like the the secondary in the hairs on them, the tertiary roots sinking into the bio sludge to absorb the nutrition. That’s. Made available by our micro biome.

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:20:58] So many people struggle with bloating, bowel issues, brain fog, fatigue. You might not even have any gut issues, but did you know the cause of it could be food sensitivities or gut infections? What I have done is I have brought a talented functional nutritionist into my practice. We have very similar training in the nutritional world. And her name is Alexis Appleby. She is awesome. So you can head on over to our website. &Lt. Alti Fam Fam Med Med and have a consultation with her and schedule so that she can help you get to the root cause of your problems. OK. Yeah, I think that that’s really important and very fundamental. When when we get into some sort of inflammatory bowel, you know, we’re having a hard time absorbing. And so I would say 90 percent of the patients that I see that have inflammatory bowel eat pretty clean have have really studied nutrition, but they’re still struggling with bowel issues. You know, they really work on fiber. They’ve worked on probiotics. A lot of them are pretty sensitive to probiotics in general. They have a mix of constipation, diarrhea. They’ve really tried to do food elimination diets. You can tell they’re nutrient deficient by what’s going on with their nails and their skin in their hair, et cetera. So from that standpoint, we were looking at a patient that does have active inflammation that can absorb. What do you think is is contributing to that process when they’re already doing all the right things that you mentioned previously?

Dr Michael Haley [00:22:52] Yeah. Some people are definitely harder to heal than others, and the damage that is done is worse in some than others. And their immune systems are going more haywire, haywire than others. They have more antibodies to everything, to the point where their antibodies are attacking even themselves. We would call that autoimmune, so some are going to take longer to get better. I do believe there are tools that we can all use to improve our diets even further. For instance, we talked about an elimination diet. Dr. Natasha McBride with the gaps diet, has a unique approach to the elimination diet, where she would eliminate everything except one food bone stock soup, but not just any bone stock soup. You’re not going to buy it in the carton because there’s more stuff added to it, and it may be even preservatives. You’re not even going to buy a chicken from the, you know, deli at your grocery store because it’s probably not organic and and even the organic chicken. Hopefully, you’ll get a chicken from a real farm that was raised properly eating what it was supposed to. So it’s truly a chemical free chicken. And then you would, you know, simmer down what’s left over after removing the meat and just that bone stock that you created yourself becomes the foundation of your diet and you consume nothing else except that. And you know, if you wanted to add water to it or whatever it nice clean, filtered water if you needed some more hydration during the day. But for the most part, really all you need is that bone stock soup. After doing that for a day, two days, three days to the point where symptomatically you’ve kind of leveled off, you might add one thing to that bone stock soup. And if that causes things to go haywire again, you get rid of that because that food is not working for you. But if adding that to the bone stock doesn’t make things haywire, then your immune system probably isn’t going to have a problem with that is not attacking it. So that goes on your good list. And by adding one food item at a time, we can figure out what’s good and what’s bad. And, you know, sometimes things go wrong for other reasons. So we’re really looking for patterns. We might take that food out for a period of time and try it again in a month. And if the same thing happens, OK, chances are you still have a sensitivity to it or you’re confirming that that food caused the problem. And she has a list of these would be the first stage of what you might add in because these are less problematic. And these are the last things you would add in to this diet because more people have problems with these well, and then she might do that with a diet log. What’s the purpose of a diet log? Well, imagine three columns and not only the time and what you’re eating, but the next column. The most important one is how you’re feeling, and it might be all about your stomach problems, your indigestion, your diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas or pain. You know it might be all about those things, or it might be more about how you feel. You know, I know that there are certain foods that I can eat that just give me great energy. I happen to do well, you know, first looking at the macronutrients, I do better on fat and protein. I don’t do so great on carbohydrates. My energy levels fluctuate more on carbohydrates. That doesn’t mean I don’t eat them, but I have certain ones that work for me. But for the most part, if I have, you know, avocado and coconut and oils and things like that and and protein and fats, I feel good and this functions well. I can think clearly if I have, you know, the worst one for me. I love potatoes and I don’t care if they’re, you know, fried or baked potatoes or whatever it is. I love potatoes. But I crash. I’ll eat them, I’ll feel good, and then an hour later, I need a nap. And it’s only a 20 minute nap. That’s all I need. But I still need it. Fat and protein doesn’t do that to me. So as we’re keeping this dialog, certain foods are going to make you feel good and you’re going to have good energy and you’re going to be alert. Other foods are going to cause pain, fatigue, digestive problems, whatever it is. And that is a symptom that needs to be recorded, and we’re looking for patterns every time I eat this. This is what happens. OK. That’s not for you. And it what’s good for me is different than what’s good for you. We’re all different. So as we start taking advantage of tools like this, we start, you know, increasing our competitive edge over the problem that we’re having. Our microbiome is very much like our body weight. You know, once we gain too much weight and maintain that for a long period of time, it’s like a new set point that we have to get past for a long time before it’s easier to maintain that ideal way to regain weight. We’ve been heavy for years and we finally decide we’re going to do something about it. We lose 100 pounds and it’s hard and it wants to come right back. But if we can keep it off for a period of years, it gets easier and our body starts adapting to this new set point. Our microbiome is very much like that once it’s been disrupted, it wants to keep on going back to the disrupted microbiome, where the more pathological bacteria takes over inhabits our microbiome. But if we can get it set right long enough, it’s easier for that to maintain the healthy microbiome. And we would, you know, continue forever to continue to nourish that healthy microbiome.

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:29:12] And so you mentioned that the microbiome is really powerful in helping us, you know, be maybe at the right weight or it helps us. It does help us with some of this metabolic disease.

Dr Michael Haley [00:29:29] Right. Everything, everything, you know, it is so responsible for the chemistry in our body. And if we think about the blood flowing through our veins and the chemistry that’s in it, if we start thinking about that is our nutrition and we realize that that’s a result of what we eat, what the microbiome does with it. And it’s also a result of our exercise and our sleep patterns and the thoughts that we have. All of these things change our chemistry. And the more that we do that is good for that, the better with the probably the top one, probably being the things we eat. And and what the microbiome does with it. The easiest way to understand the relationship between the chemistry in your gut and how it affects everything, including the way your mind works. We could, you know, we could go out and have a couple of cocktails and within a few minutes, as we’re, you know, depending on how strong that cocktail is, if you like Scotch or something like that and you, you know, drink a couple of shots down within minutes, the function of your brain is changing. That is chemistry that went through the gut into the bloodstream. That’s how much it affects us. As the microbiome is making this chemistry in our blood, it’s not only about how our body works, but also how our minds work, it’s everything. And yes, it’s going to affect things like addictions and mental health issues, you know? Are you happy or depressed? You know that chemistry, that blood chemistry, the nutrition in your blood is under the influence of all of these things, including your microbiome?

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:31:26] So we don’t know much about specific gut bugs and what they do of the good gut bugs we’re starting to study those. Have you seen any research on some of the good gut bugs like what Akkermansia is doing, Fusobacterium, et cetera, like what they’re doing in supporting the microbiome and how that’s helping us overall if we have that species or that colony of gut bugs?

Dr Michael Haley [00:31:55] Yeah, I’m not so familiar with the species as other people are, but from a practical standpoint, that’s fine. I do realize that things like, you know, certain bacillus species, for instance, are going to survive the stomach acidity and actually populate our gut and have an effect. I also realize that a lot of the species that we’re putting in our mouths are really being killed in that acidic environment in our stomach, which doesn’t mean they’re bad because they still are creating an environment, for instance. For me, I do well on dairy. I like dairy. In fact, my family is now making a two and a half gallon batch of yogurt once a week. Now some people might go, Oh, you consume dairy? Dairy is horrible. Isn’t it horrible? You know, there’s sure there’s debate. Some people?

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:32:50] Yeah, about people. Not as bad.

Dr Michael Haley [00:32:53] I super culture it. And, you know, it’s supposed to be a 12 hour batch. I might go in about 18 hours. And when you’re culturing something at the time, extra at the end is much more powerful than the time at the beginning, you know, because the bacteria in there early on, I imagine you started with one bacteria that doubled to two that doubled to four, eight, 16, 30 to 60. For all those doublings really aren’t amounting to much, and they double every so many minutes. When you get to the end and you’re doubling billions and you’re going from one billion to two to four to eight to 16 30 to 60 point twenty eight billion. So the time at the end is more significant, and they’re consuming a lot of the things that your body might have a hard time with. And in doing that, they’re also creating all kinds of enzymes and differences and changes in the food that actually create a better environment for your microbiome. So consuming that I might not be benefiting from those specific strains of bacteria directly and populating my gut because they might get killed off and my stomach acids, but they are creating a pre digested food that can better be utilized by my microbiome.

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:34:16] So one of the really good things that you do on a daily basis is you make your own yogurt. What else can people do to really help their own microbiota?

Dr Michael Haley [00:34:28] Yeah, really. If you if you go back to that soil example and think about the fact that, you know, just like farmers spray the fields with pesticides, herbicides and fungicides killing the soil, and now they have to add fertilizers, start thinking about the same way. What are you doing to your soil? And it could be everything from, you know, am I eating processed foods? Am I eating animal foods? That’s been said chemistry, where I’m now getting that chemistry because all that chemistry is going to affect that microbiome. If we start looking at our food more of, is this going to be good for me or my microbiome or is it going to? Is that for them or is it against them? That’s the biggest thing we can do and what else can I do? Chewing your food? You know, if we would just slow down and chew our food and prepare it for the microbiome? Mm hmm. So those those choices about how you are feeding that, that that those colonies within you, that’s that’s everything.

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:35:33] So I actually had an interesting comment the other day, a patient of mine. This was pretty rare. Most people come in and they’re like, I’m on this side, I’m doing this, I’m doing all these things. And so I generally don’t have to address diet much in my office, except for a elimination type, diets and then Rand Corporation. But most people are pretty well educated on diets, but this was a really interesting comment. A fella said, What’s at the grocery store? So it must be good for me. And I said, Oh, really? And I said, So you think I just want to make sure I understand this? You think everything at the grocery store is good for you up and down all the aisles? Yeah. The FDA approved it. You know, and I’m not and I was like, that’s super interesting, but I think that’s a really important point that I’ve lost sight of. And I was like, Holy cow, I’ve never even thought that way, but I think that that’s an interesting point that I’d like to kind of just tackle, because that’s a legitimate question, right? I mean, I think at the end of the day, that’s a pretty legitimate question.

Dr Michael Haley [00:36:41] Yeah, we’ve been brainwashed. We’ve all been brainwashed. And I’m laughing, not at your patient, but I’m laughing at. I remember someone that wouldn’t eat fruit off a tree in my yard because it wasn’t purchased at a grocery store because we’ve been brought up just to think, well, that’s where food comes from. And we’ve been programed, you know, by programs. Well, you know, they call them TV programs. I remember a little research project I did about 20 years ago, and it kind of. Well, actually twenty five years ago, and it wasn’t real research, but it was watching TV and documenting commercials. And what I realized is there’s about five or six sets of commercials every hour of TV. And they said that the average American watches like twenty or twenty five hours of TV a week. But I thought, Well, let’s do some simple math, and let’s just say there was, you know, five sets of commercial an hour, and we only watched 10 hours of commercials per week and each set of commercials had, you know, one drug ad or one food advertisement. And it’s easier to demonstrate this with drugs, because, you know, we could always go back to the old jingles and I could ask you and say, Dr. Broder, how do you spell relief and people are going to remember our old aids, even though they haven’t heard that in years because it’s been programed into them? Or, you know, what would you say that nighttime sniffling, coughing, sneezing, stuffy had fever so you can rest? Medicine is, you know. And people are going to rattle off these names because they’ve been programed into them. You know, if you think about it, one drug commercial five times an hour, that’s five times 10 hours is 50 a week. And for simple math, if there were only 50 weeks in a year, that’s 2500 in a year or or, you know, multiply that by 10 years. And then how many decades have you been here? 100000 to programing drug commercials or grocery commercials or fast food commercials? You know, we are programed to believe that that is where food comes from, and it’s not. And, you know, if the FDA approves it, it doesn’t mean it’s good for you. It means it’s not going to instantly kill you. You know, but what we don’t know, and it’s based on research that was done by. You know, people with their own interests that are picking and choosing what to present, you’re cherry picking, you know what they need to present to get something passed. So we don’t know what causes cancer, but we know that things cumulatively like radiation, we try to minimize radiation. When you take x rays, you have a little badge that senses the radiation and you’re only allowed so much of that because it’s cumulative and we know that it causes cancer. Well, how do you how does the FDA measure whether or not the food is causing cancer based on what’s in it? You can’t. It takes in years of accumulation.

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:39:51] Yeah, I think, yeah, I think there’s a lot there. I think just I want to use as a simple example, and we could go on and on on that, but I want to kind of go back about how people can keep themselves healthy. And so what I heard you say is, hey, grass fed grass finished meat, see what you feel good on. Do you feel good on fats? Do you feel good on protein? Do you feel good on carbohydrates? Check an elimination diet, see how you feel when you start to incorporate these foods. If you’ve had trouble on elimination diets in the past. Hey, start with some, some some stock and slowly go from there. And not just any stop. There’s certain types of stock. Make sure you’re chewing your food. If you can tolerate yogurt, you could do it super cultured and definitely everything needs to be organic, and we’re really programed the wrong way to see food, you know? So add there any other points that we’re missing on really keeping a good, healthy gut healthy. And I think that water filter is the other thing that I left out there just to make sure. And I think we think we take some of these things for granted as I’m rattling them off and you’re like, Yeah, that’s what I’ve done forever. I’m like, Yeah, this what I’ve done forever. But I think we take these things for granted. You know, when someone comes in and I’m like, You need a water filter and they’re like, Do I? You know, I think, I think so going through these things is is very important. So is there anything that I really missed to keep a good healthy microbiota?

Dr Michael Haley [00:41:24] I think you are doing a I think we talked a lot and really providing your audience, yes, maybe even a slightly different perspective of food because we think we’re getting the nutrients from that. But I think from the, you know, just that perspective of understanding the soil in your intestines, I think that’s a new perspective. We could talk about the fact that some foods are more healing than others. Some foods are more inflammatory, some are more anti-inflammatory and there’s omega three and there’s omega 6s. And so there’s definitely more to it. But the foundation is the same. You know, you’re feeding that microbiome. And you know, we my company has aloe vera that it is something that tends to speed up healing. Some companies have the probiotics that help nurture the environment. Some companies have enzymes that help break down the food and further digest it as it’s moving along. So there are other things that can be added to help facilitate this. But really just the perspective of Let me feed the microbiome. Let me take care. Let me take care of those little bugs like they’re my own family because it’s there. They’re more, they’re more important. There they are. You, you know, you have to take care of yourself. Okay?

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:42:50] Mm-Hmm. So where can people find your product if they’re interested in purchasing it?

Dr Michael Haley [00:42:57] HayleyNutrition.com And that’s also a great place to get connected to the social media, the YouTube channel, and everything. There’s icons on the bottom of the website.

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:43:06] Well, awesome. Well, thank you for being here and sharing all your knowledge about bowel issues, right? It’s so fun to say. So anyway, really, it was a pleasure having you today.

Dr Michael Haley [00:43:20] Dr. Barter, thank you so much for having me.

Dr Ann-Marie Barter [00:43:21] Absolutely. And thank you, everybody for listening. We love your support. If you like what we’re doing, please subscribe. Say hello and let us know what you want to hear more of. Take care!

Outro [00:43:35] Thank you for listening to the Gut Health Reset Podcast. Please make sure you subscribe, leave a rating and a review so more people can hear about the podcast and hey, take a screenshot of this episode and tag Dr. Anne Marie on Instagram or Facebook at Dr. Ann-Marie Barter. And for more resources, just visit DrAnnMarieBarter.com.


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