Dr. Barter and Dr. Heather Stone take a stark look at the current traditional treatments for Type II Diabetes and other metabolic conditions. Then they turn them on their heads.
– Learn why current medical models only treat the symptoms associated with diabetes, not the root cause(s), and why reversal is rare
– Learn why a cocktail of Metformin, blood pressure drugs and statins are not only dangerous, but unnecessary.
– Learn what a pharmaceutical free treatment plan entails and why they are so effective.
Dr. Stone also explains why it’s so important to take an early diabetes diagnosis seriously to avoid major complications further down the road. She
also gives listeners some great tips on why so many dietary plans fail and what to do instead.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone in a pre-diabetic state, anyone suffering insulin resistance (or the inability to lose weight, despite trying), or wondering why the old “calories-in versus calories-expended” routine is not helping them achieve the blood sugar numbers they had hoped.